Cemef, Sophia Antipolis, FRANCE
+33 4 93 95 75 75

The « Mastère Spécialisé® » (MS) is a specialized Advanced Master’s Degree, comprising a rigorous one-year program. Accredited by the French Conférence des Grandes Ecoles, the MS HPC-AI, offered by MINES Paris, centers on high-performance computing, massive data processing and large-scale machine/deep learning. Its goal is to foster the development of intelligent systems capable of learning and prediction.

The teaching methodology emphasizes project-based learning and workshops, which are conducted in collaboration with industry professionals for enhanced practical experience.

The MS HPC- AI is based on MINES Paris’s experience in training high-level engineers.


The MS HPC-AI boasts cutting-edge IT resources. Ensuring students receive training with the most advanced digital infrastructure is the top priority for the program.

As an illustration, the MS HPC-AI program features a state-of-the-art server equipped with the latest NVIDIA A100 graphics cards.


The objective of the MS HPC AI program is to educate professionals proficient in both supercomputing and large-scale data analysis, fostering seamless integration of machine learning and generative AI in various industries.

The program emphasizes scientific and technological facets that align with the requirements of sought-after digital careers. HPC-AI training encompasses a crucial array of competencies in computer science and mathematics tailored for handling and analyzing extensive datasets derived from experiments and simulations.


  • AI Engineer
  • HPC Engineer
  • HPC and AI Project Manager
  • Data scientist
  • Data Engineer


  • Pilot projects involving high-performance computing, data analysis and machine learning
  • Develop advanced algorithms for high performance computing on massive data
  • Propose efficient approaches for machine learning on massive data
  • Develop innovative solutions for challenging AI and machine learning problems
  • Offer solutions for high-performance data processing and analysis

Industry Sectors

  • Energy,
  • Transport,
  • Healthcare,
  • Finance,
  • Telecoms,
  • Security,
  • etc.